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   a brief intro
Tooltips.NET is a one-project web site dedicated to our VXPLib component featuring the following:
  • Multi-line XP-Style Menus with HTML-drawn items like menu Start in Windows XP
  • Powerful Many-Level Tooltips Support with HTML formatting for any visual object
  • Optimized very fast Rendering Engine for drawing HTML on any Device Context
  • Throughout integration with all existing Speech Platforms using extended HTML
XP Style Multi-line Menus with Tooltips            Tooltip can be attached to...
Easy-to-use HTML drawing engine enables rich text
and graphic output on any visual object in your application:
  • Window Backgrounds
  • Menu Items
  • Custom-Drawn Windows Controls

We are keen to promote the concept on the Internet and are offering it for free download with accompanying docs and samples.

    technology highlighted

VXPLib is a powerful cross-technology product. It emerges from the most interesting aspects of those technologies, and comprises means for making the most efficient use of them is designing user interfaces for Windows stand-alone applications. It is a tool of a better visioning of what a Friendly UI can actually be. Technologies

Formatted Text and Graphics
Tooltip windows may contain any arbitrarily formatted text and graphics. The functionality is based on the subset of HTML that is used to form a tooltip window body.

Audio and Text-To-Speech Ready
Text-To-Speech Ready! The component provides an interface for easy integration with Audio and Text-To-Speech solutions for any Speech platform. As an example, this allows support of various sound effects and/or any Speech API's when a tooltip is displayed.

Full control over tooltip appearance
A developer has an extensive set of methods that allow for control over the tooltip window appearance: e.g. fading effect, transparency, shadow and a customized window contour.

Binary Resources Reuse
Binary Resources Reuse! The ability to automatically extract contents for custom tooltips from any compiled resource file (exe, dll, ocx, cpl) gives a perfect way to reuse many project-displayable quantities in tooltips scheme.

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