tooltips logo soft ware for the masses
soft ware for the masses
  Parser Test is an utility written using VXPLib, and for VXPLib. It is a tool to design and test QHTML documents, and allows to access all features of the QHTML parser at once:
  • See the output of your document simply by clicking on tab "Output"
  • Set all parameters of the parser visually to see how it will be working then
  • Estimate time to recalculate and render your QHTML documents
  • Track and debug all events supported by the parser to see how the parser processes your document
Additionally, the application itself is a sample of how VXPLib can be used to enhance user interface: using tooltips, and drawing QHTML documents on the dialog box.

Input Page to enter QHTML documents. You also can open or save documents in UTF8 format:
Parser Test

Output Page: browse the QHTML document entered on the input page. It also shows a sequence of events fired
by the parser while processing the document.
Parser Test

Settings Page:
Parser Test