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Every developer knows that no matter how much effort you put into documenting your application, the eventual judgment of the customer will be based on the user interface and reliability of the program. Statistically speaking, only 20% of users will ever bother reading your help system no matter how good it is, and when that actually happens it mainly indicates that the user got completely stuck with your program, and cannot figure out how to do something he needs.
Many at that stage will just classify the interface as ridiculous... and should your program be a demo or promotion version, it all ends up in the folder called the Recycle Bin, along with its beautiful help system.

And here is where we offer a solution that we believe can complement your software in such a way that the user will be able to understand your program without the necessity of wading through an overload of documentation. We emphasize an attractive and intuitive user interface where information on the proper use of the program comes to the user conveniently and naturally.

There are three directions our library (VXPLib component) is aimed to help you with:

  1. Designing the UI to be as user-friendly as possible - applying library's functionality of overriding application's menus, creating nice good-looking backgrounds in application's windows; a necessity - especially when designing software for a large audience or educational programs for kids.
  2. Using in-place helpers (tooltips) - a pleasantly neutral, cognitive and effective way of explaining to users the functionality of the program they are working with.
  3. Using text-to-speech technology - very innovative and very promising way today of teaching users how to work with your program. There are a few companies offering powerful speech platforms which you can use in combination with our library.

We are offering a solution that will enable you to take advantage of all three of these approaches at once with a single tool integrating them all.
Our VXPLib component is an HTML For Applications engine with integrated speech support and services within a single library:

  1. Designed specifically for Windows stand-alone applications fast and effective drawing engine
  2. The most powerful Tooltips library ever created
  3. Integrated speech support compatible with all Speech Platforms for MS-Windows.

It is fast, reliable, it is efficient, it is intuitive and very easy to use component, it can be used in any programming language, it adheres to Microsoft .NET platform, and first and foremost - it is free for download. Download it now, give it a try, and then if our endeavors have made your life easier.
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