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All these screenshots plus some others are available from the download area with corresponding sample code.

Simple Win32 API application
showing elaborated tooltip

thumbnail of screenshot

VB application illustrates various
settings of tooltips appearance
and behaviour

thumbnail of screenshot

Overridden menu with tooltips
attached to menu items

thumbnail of screenshot

Overridden menu with customized
header and footer in VB application

thumbnail of screenshot

Context menu with a footer
and attached tooltip

thumbnail of screenshot

User graphic (drawn at run-time)
in the tooltip window

thumbnail of screenshot
Speech integration allows using
3rd party Text2Speech engine
to make tooltips read their text

thumbnail of screenshot
Advanced HyperLink class essentially
derived from MFC CStatic serves as
a good example of utilizing various
library functionality

thumbnail of screenshot

Parser Test utility - simplifies
development of QHTML documents plus
illustrates functionality of the library

thumbnail of screenshot
Embedded into QHTML Windows
controls - QHTML skins

thumbnail of screenshot

Some users from our conference were willing to put on the Internet examples of how they are using VXPLib
in their applications:
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